Handy Links

Girl Scouting Sites
  • Scouting Web - one of the most complete lists of Girl Scout websites.  Updated infrequently, but still pretty full of good links.
  • Making Friends - LOTS of craft project ideas, SWAPs, and a store where you can get hard to find Scout craft supplies, or more appropriate numbers of things (i.e., you can buy 2 dozen "G" and "S" beads, without getting any other letters, or having to buy a package of 500 of each).

Miniatures Sites - Good for SWAPs
  • Hittie Print Minis - has a great selection of printable miniatures, such as school supplies, books, food boxes, seasonal things, etc. etc.
  • My Small Obsession - links to lots of great miniature printables on the web, as well as miniature projects
Helpful for Running a Troop
  • Sign-Up Genius - when one of my girls' moms told me about this site, I could not stop thanking her.  It is incredibly helpful to have a site where parents can go sign up to bring snacks, come to meetings, chaperone field trips and campouts, RSVPing for their daughters.  It is fabulous.