
I got to touch them!

The new Girl's Guides, that is. I had my SUFPM training this past weekend, and they had copies of all of the new books to look through. They looked huge, to me, and half empty. But they do seem to have everything in one place (as opposed to having a handbook and a badgebook and a bronze award guide and prints of stuff off the internet, etc., etc.). I went ahead and pre-ordered mine and my daughter's, which means I will get them sometime in November. Maybe.

It was very frustrating to be told that there will be a whole new set of books, that will become the GSUSA standard at the end of this coming schoolyear, and then be told it won't be available until September. As I have mentioned before, I like planning out my school year during the summer. So that I don't feel like I am scrambling to get prepared the weekend or day before a meeting.

It is becoming even more frustrating to be told, "well, I know we said it would be available in September, but really, honestly, you'll be lucky if you get it by Christmas. And we're not even going to really tell you when you can expect to get it."

No word yet of whether the badges will be embroidered or printed. I prefer sewing the printed ones, but I prefer the look of the embroidered ones - by a large amount. I think based on the price, they are likely to be printed and iron-on.

Incidentally, the old books:
Handbook $10.95
Badgebook $11.95
Adult Book $6
89 Junior Badges @ $0.95 each

Girl's Guide:
Binder $22.50 ($16.87 if you pre-order)
extra badge modules $12 (all 3)
26 Junior Badges @ $1.50 each

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