

So, in case you missed it, I have been less than prompt about posting things lately.  Unfortunately, I have been super busy getting ready for National Convention (I'll post a pic of the uniform I am sewing! *grin*), and taking care of my Service Unit's Fall Product Sale.  Well, and with non-GS stuff like family and a new job.

I will be back to more regular posting after Convention (November 8-13).  You can look forward to posts about what I did and saw and Convention, Texas-themed SWAPs my troop is making to swap at Convention, and discussion about the awards and badges available in the new Girl's Guide.  I will be looking specifically at the Junior Guide, but because of the new more progression-based badge system, this will be similar to the other levels.  Perhaps if YOU have one of the other levels, you can comment and talk about the differences! :)

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